At what age reduces the power of the of the mature men?

What is the male menopause? It is known that the level of sex hormones (androgens) in the body is dependent on the ability of the man reproductive function.

But the level of sex hormones can be affected not only by age, but due to the comorbidities, lifestyle, bad habits. It is known that a healthy lifestyle leads to a continuation of the reproductive period of men. And on the contrary, bad habits, chronic diseases can cause the appearance of the signs of menopause in men after the age of 40, and at an earlier age. The age at which the symptoms of the menopause due to natural causes? Often, the power begins to decrease relative to men aged 50 to 60 years and more, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is necessary to note, that sometimes produces a temporary decrease in power, not dependent on age. Complete impotence may occur in cases of disease.

at what age is it reduces the power

Factors that influence the reduction of power

  1. Chronic fatigue, tiredness. Constant physical and moral of the overhead make the of men, the power begins to decline. But if you set the mode of work and rest, balance the load, giving your body to recover, which has emerged the state can easily resolve the problem.
  2. The stress, the long depression. Male potency depends on the mood, directly, to avoid problems, you must learn to get out of unpleasant situations, make the autogenous training, with a special sensitivity, perhaps, worth thinking about changing jobs.
  3. Obesity. The reasons which lead to the appearance of overweight and known systematic overeating, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, hormonal failure, the abuse of beer. The ultimate reason directly affects the quality of the power. As well as the hops (beer) contains an analogue of female sex hormone, called phytoestrogen. He is formed not only of the brewery, the torso and effeminatos the figure, but as the result of systematic phytoestrogen in the body, men lose power.
  4. The type-2 diabetes mellitus.
  5. A stroke.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases (without adequate treatment, results in a violation of the blood supply of the organs of the pelvis, as a result of impotence).
  7. The influence of alcohol, drugs, tobacco.
  8. Running inflammatory diseases of the male sexual organs and the infections sexually transmitted infections may lead not only to a weakening of the power, but the total impotence.
  9. The adverse conditions of work (for example, the work in the production of chemicals, the effect on the organism of toxic substances, which can disrupt the working of the organism as a whole)

The signs of male menopause

  1. Erectile dysfunction, impotence.
  2. The decrease of the amount of the morning erection, or disappearance.
  3. The vertigo, the interruption in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Why is the menopause not only manifests itself in a decrease of the reproductive function, but also other manifestations of physiological? Because sex hormones influence many of the indicators in the body, in almost everything, and, if the sick man, then it is weak, will suffer more.

Menopause can be accompanied by not only physical problems, when we speak of a decline of the power and a series of other symptoms, but also the deviations of the psychological, neurological, of the nature:

  1. Increased irritability, causeless anxiety, fear.
  2. It disrupts memory, reduces the ability of concentration.
  3. Neurosis.
  4. Decreased sexual desire.
  5. Insomnia.

All these signs may appear or not appear, it all depends on the traits of an organism.

What to do if you drop power?

Impotence problems in the man, have an influence on the self-esteem, quality of life and well-being.

To do, if there was an error, if this is the average power, what affects the income of the medicinal substances in the reproductive status of the field? The state of the climacteric period in men, it adjusts drugs, appointed by the doctor, as well as the means of folk medicine.

Increase the power of the will help the medicinal plants, but before their application it is necessary to consult a doctor, in order to avoid unforeseen effects. Applying this type of medicinal plants, such as hawthorn, and the pastoral care of the bag, and the different rates of several species of plants.

The increase of the power regulates the application of hormonal drugs. The power after 50 and 60 years you need comprehensive support, as a general rule, the doctor prescribes medicines to the continuous reception. Begin treatment you can with any problematic of age, and the power, to regulate the measures, as a general rule, it is retrieved. If the power fell of heavy burdens, moral or physical, it is necessary to review your lifestyle.